Accepted Papers by Session
Research Session RT01: Social and Graphs 1Tuesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom AChair: Tanya Berger-Wolf
Efficient Algorithms for Public-Private Social Networks
Flavio Chierichetti,Sapienza University of Rome; Alessandro Epasto,Brown University; Ravi Kumar,Google; Silvio Lattanzi,Google; Vahab Mirrokni,Google(Paper ID:563)Locally Densest Subgraph DiscoveryLu Qin,University of Technology Sydney; Rong-Hua Li,Shenzhen University; Lijun Chang,The University of New South Wales; Chengqi Zhang,University of Technology Sydney(Paper ID:236)Influence at Scale: Distributed Computation of Complex Contagion in NetworksBrendan Lucier,Microsoft Research; Joel Oren,University of Toronto; Yaron Singer,Harvard University(Paper ID:442)A Learning-based Framework to handle Multi-round Multi-party influence maximization on social networksSu-Chen Lin,National Taiwan University; Shou-De Lin,National Taiwan University; Ming-Syan Chen,National Taiwan University(Paper ID:754)Virus Propagation in Multiple Profile NetworksAngeliki Rapti,University of Patras; Kostas Tsichlas,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Spyros Sioutas,Ionian University; Giannis Tzimas,Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece(Paper ID:721)Research Session RT02: Mining Rich Data Types 1Tuesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom B Chair: Kyuseok Shim
Facets: Fast Comprehensive Mining of Co-evolving High-order Time Series
Yongjie Cai,The Graduate Center, CUNY; Hanghang Tong,Arizona State University; Wei Fan,Baidu USA; Ping Ji,The Graduate Center, CUNY; Qing He,University at Buffalo, SUNY(Paper ID:497)Data-Driven Activity Prediction: Algorithms, Evaluation Methodology, and ApplicationsBryan Minor,Washington State University; Janardhan Rao,Doppa; Washington State University Diane,J; Cook Washington State Universit(Paper ID:860)RSC: Mining and Modeling Temporal Activity in Social Media Alceu Ferraz Costa,University of S?o Paulo; Yuto Yamaguchi,University of Tsukuba; Agma Juci Machado Traina,University of S?o Paulo; Caetano Traina Jr.,University of S?o Paulo; Christos Faloutsos,Carnegie Mellon University(Paper ID:197)Query Workloads for Data-Series IndexesKostas Zoumpatianos,University of Trento; Yin Lou,LinkedIn Corporation; Themis Palpanas,Paris Descartes University; Johannes Gehrke,Microsoft Corporation(Paper ID:715)Organizational Chart InferenceJiawei Zhang,University of Illinois at Chicago; Philip S. Yu,University of Illinois at Chicago, Tsinghua University; Yuanhua Lv,Microsoft Research(Paper ID:41)Research Session RT03: Topic Models and TensorsTuesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 2 – State RoomChair: Amr Ahmed
Towards Interactive Construction of Topical Hierarchy: A Recursive Tensor Decomposition Approach
Chi Wang,Microsoft Research; Xueqing Liu,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Yanglei Song,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jiawei Han,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Paper ID:177)Rubik: Knowledge Guided Tensor Factorization and Completion for Health Data AnalyticsYichen Wang,Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert Chen,Georgia Institute of Technology; Joydeep Ghosh,University of Texas, Austin; Joshua C,Denny; Vanderbilt University Abel,Kho; Northwestern University You,Chen; Vanderbilt University Bradley,A; Malin Vanderbilt University,Jimeng; Sun Georgia Institute of Technolog(Paper ID:790)Simultaneous Discovery of Common and Discriminative Topics via Joint Nonnegative Matrix FactorizationHannah Kim,Georgia Tech; Jaegul Choo,Korea University; Jingu Kim,Netflix, Inc.; Chandan K.,Reddy; Wayne State University Haesun,Park; Georgia Tec(Paper ID:453)Levaraging Social Context for Topic EvolutionJanani Kalyanam,University of California, San Diego; Amin Mantrach,Yahoo Labs; Diego Saez-Trumper,Yahoo Labs; Hossein Vahabi,Yahoo Labs; Gert Lanckriet,University of California, San Diego(Paper ID:336)Bayesian Poisson Tensor Factorization for Inferring Multilateral Relations from Sparse Dyadic Event CountsAaron Schein,University of Massachusetts Amherst; John Paisley,Columbia University; David M,Blei; Columbia University Hanna,Wallach; Microsof(Paper ID:897)Research Session RT04: Interactivity and LearningTuesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 3 & 4Chair: Bernhard Pfahringer
Structured Hedging for Resource Allocations with Leverage
Nicholas Johnson,University of Minnesota; Arindam Banerjee,University of Minnesota(Paper ID:698)BatchRank: A Novel Batch Mode Active Learning Framework for Hierarchical ClassificationShayok Chakraborty,Carnegie Mellon University; Vineeth Balasubramanian,Indian Institute of Technology; Adepu Ravi,Sankar; Indian Institute of Technology Sethuraman,Panchanathan; Arizona State University Jieping,Ye; University of Michiga(Paper ID:232)Discovering Valuable Items from Massive DataHastagiri P,Vanchinathan; ETH Zurich Andreas,Marfurt; ETH Zurich Charles-Antoine,Robelin; Amadeus IT group SA Donald,Kossmann; ETH Zurich Andreas,Krause; ETH Zuric(Paper ID:593)Extreme States Distribution Decomposition Method for Search Engine Online EvaluationKirill Nikolaev,Yandex; Alexey Drutsa,Yandex; Ekaterina Gladkikh,Yandex; Alexander Ulianov,Yandex; Gleb Gusev,Yandex; Pavel Serdyukov,Yandex(Paper ID:900)Website Optimization Problem and Its SolutionsShuhei Iitsuka,The University of Tokyo; Yutaka Matsuo,The University of Tokyo(Paper ID:516)Research Session RT05: Big DataTuesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom B Chair: Ron Bekkerman
Large-Scale Distributed Bayesian Matrix Factorization using Stochastic Gradient MCMC
SUNGJIN AHN,University of California Irvine; ANOOP KORATTIKARA,Google; NATHAN LIU,Yahoo Labs; SUJU RAJAN,Yahoo Labs; MAX WELLING,University of Amsterdam(Paper ID:668)Scaling Up Stochastic Dual Coordinate AscentKenneth Tran,Uber; Saghar Hosseini,University of Washington; Lin Xiao,Microsoft; Thomas Finley,Microsoft; Mikhail Bilenko,Microsoft(Paper ID:879)Accelerated Alternating Direction Method of MultipliersMojtaba Kadkhodaie,University of Minnesota; Konstantina Christakopoulou,University of Minnesota; Maziar Sanjabi,University of Minnesota; Arindam Banerjee,University of Minnesota(Paper ID:813)Network Lasso: Clustering and Optimization in Large-Scale GraphsDavid Hallac,Stanford University; Jure Leskovec,Stanford University; Stephen Boyd,Stanford University(Paper ID:316)Petuum: A new Platform for Distributed Machine Learning on Big DataEric P,Xing; Carnegie Mellon University Qirong,Ho; Institute for Infocomm Research Wei,Dai; Carnegie Mellon University Jin-Kyu,Kim; Carnegie Mellon University Jinliang,Wei; Carnegie Mellon University Seunghak,Lee; Carnegie Mellon University Xun,Zheng; Carnegie Mellon University Pengtao,Xie; Carnegie Mellon University Abhimanu,Kumar; Carnegie Mellon University Yaoliang,Yu; Carnegie Mellon Universit(Paper ID:361)Performance Modeling and Scalability Optimization of Distributed Deep Learning SystemsFeng Yan,College of William and Mary; Olatunji Ruwase,Microsoft Research; Yuxiong He,Microsoft Research; Trishul Chilimbi,Microsoft Research(Paper ID:65)Research Session RT06: Social and Graphs 2Tuesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 2Chair: Yang Yang
CoupledLP: Link Prediction in Coupled Networks
Yuxiao Dong,University of Notre Dame; Jing Zhang,Tsinghua University; Jie Tang,Tsinghua University; Nitesh V.,Chawla; University of Notre Dame Bai,Wang; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication(Paper ID:417)Efficient Latent Link Recommendation in Signed NetworksDongjin Song,University of California San Diego; David A.,Meyer; University of California San Diego Dacheng,Tao; University of Technology, Sydne(Paper ID:583)Flexible and Robust Multi-Network ClusteringJingchao Ni,Case Western Reserve University; Hanghang Tong,Arizona State University; Wei Fan,Baidu Research Big Data Lab; Xiang Zhang,Case Western Reserve University(Paper ID:25)An Evaluation of Parallel Eccentricity Estimation Algorithms on Real-World GraphsJulian Shun,Carnegie Mellon University(Paper ID:434)Integrating Vertex-centric Clustering with Edge-centric Clustering for Meta Path Graph AnalysisYang Zhou,Georgia Institute of Technology; Ling Liu,Georgia Institute of Technology; David Buttler,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory(Paper ID:411)Collective Opinion Spam Detection: Bridging Review Networks and MetadataShebuti Rayana,Stony Brook University; Leman Akoglu,Stony Brook University(Paper ID:655)Research Session RT07: Applications 1Tuesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 3 & 4Chair: Shou-De Lin
Anatomical Annotations for Drosophila Gene Expression Patterns via Multi-Dimensional Visual Descriptors Integration
Hongchang Gao,University of Texas at Arlington; Lin Yan,Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Weidong Cai,University of Sydney; Heng Huang,University of Texas at Arlington(Paper ID:718)Multi-Task Learning for Spatio-Temporal Event ForecastingLiang Zhao,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Qian Sun,Arizona State University; Jieping Ye,University of Michigan; Feng Chen,University at Albany - SUNY; Chang-Tien Lu,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Naren Ramakrishnan,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University(Paper ID:693)A Deep Hybrid Model for Weather ForecastingAditya Grover,Indian Institute of Technology Delhi; Ashish Kapoor,Microsoft Research; Eric Horvitz,Microsoft Research(Paper ID:98)Real Estate Ranking via Mixed Land-use Latent ModelsYanjie Fu,Rutgers University; Guannan Liu,Tsinghua University; Spiros Papadimitriou,Rutgers University; Hui Xiong,Rutgers University; Yong Ge,UNC Charlotte; Hengshu Zhu,Baidu Research; Chen Zhu,University of Science and Technology of China(Paper ID:717)Structural Graphical Lasso for Learning Mouse Brain ConnectivitySen Yang,IDST at Alibaba Group; Qian Sun,Arizona State University; Shuiwang Ji,Old Dominion University; Peter Wonka,King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Ian Davidson,University of California; Jieping Ye,University of Michigan(Paper ID:753)Deep Learning Architecture with Dynamically Programmed Layers for Brain Connectome PredictionVivek Veeriah,University of Central Florida; Rohit Durvasula,University of Central Florida; Guo-Jun Qi,University of Central Florida(Paper ID:805)Research Session RT08: Unsupervised LearningTuesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 2 & 3Chair: Ian Davidson
L∞Error and Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Estimates of Large Data
Yan Zheng,University of Utah; Jeff M.,Phillips; University of Uta(Paper ID:577)An Efficient Semi-Supervised Clustering Algorithm with Sequential ConstraintsJinfeng Yi,IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center; Lijun Zhang,Nanjing University; Tianbao Yang,University of Iowa; Wei Liu,IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center; Jun Wang,Alibaba Group(Paper ID:732)Real-time Top-R Topic Detection on Twitter with Topic Hijack FilteringKohei Hayashi,National Institute of Informatics; Takanori Maehara,Shizuoka University; Masashi Toyoda,The University of Tokyo; Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi,National Institute of Informatics(Paper ID:829)Stochastic Divergence Minimization for Online Collapsed Variational Bayes Zero Inference of Latent Dirichlet AllocationIssei Sato,The University of Tokyo; Hiroshi Nakagawa,The University of Tokyo(Paper ID:564)Linear Time Samplers for Supervised Topic Models using Compositional ProposalsXun Zheng,Carnegie Mellon University; Yaoliang Yu,Carnegie Mellon University; Eric P.,Xing; Carnegie Mellon Universit(Paper ID:656)SAME but Different: Fast and High-Quality Gibbs Parameter EstimationHuasha Zhao,UC Berkeley; Biye Jiang,UC Berkeley; John F,Canny; UC Berkeley Bobby,Jaros; Yahoo In(Paper ID:905)Research Session RT09: Web MiningTuesday 3:20 pm–5:00pm | Level 2 – Room 2Chair: Mohak Shah
Dynamic Topic Modeling for Monitoring Market Competition from Online Text and Image Data
Hao Zhang,Carnegie Mellon University; Gunhee Kim,Seoul National University; Eric P,Xing; Carnegie Mellon Universit(Paper ID:192)ClusType: Effective Entity Recognition and Typing by Relation Phrase-Based ClusteringXiang Ren,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ahmed El-Kishky,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Chi Wang,Microsoft Research; Fangbo Tao,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Clare R.,Voss; Army Research Laboratory Jiawei,Han; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig(Paper ID:611)TimeMachine: Timeline Generation for Knowledge-Base EntitiesTim Althoff,Stanford University; Xin Luna Dong,Google; Kevin Murphy,Google; Safa Alai,Google; Van Dang,Google; Wei Zhang,Google(Paper ID:394)Entity Matching across Heterogeneous SourcesYang Yang,Tsinghua University; Yizhou Sun,Northeastern University; Jie Tang,Tsinghua University; Bo Ma,Tsinghua University; Juanzi Li,Tsinghua University(Paper ID:548)COSNET: Connecting Heterogeneous Social Networks with Local and Global ConsistencyYutao Zhang,Tsinghua University; Jie Tang,Tsinghua University; Zhilin Yang,Tsinghua University; Jian Pei,Simon Fraser University; Philip S.,Yu; University of Illinois at Chicag(Paper ID:54)Research Session RT10: Applications 2Tuesday 3:20 pm–5:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 3 & 4Chair: Hui Xiong
An Effective Marketing Strategy for Revenue Maximization with a Quantity Constraint
Ya-Wen Teng,National Taiwan University; Chih-Hua Tai,National Taipei University; Philip S.,Yu; University of Illinois at Chicago & Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Ming-Syan,Chen; National Taiwan Universit(Paper ID:130)Set Cover at Web ScaleStergios Stergiou,Yahoo! Labs; Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis,Yahoo! Labs(Paper ID:321)Algorithmic Cartography: Placing Points of Interest and Ads on MapsMohammad Mahdian,Google; Okke Schrijvers,Stanford University; Sergei Vassilvitskii,Google(Paper ID:675)Predicting Winning Price in Real Time Bidding with Censored DataWush Chi-Hsuan,Wu; National Taiwan Univ. Mi-Yen,Yeh; Academia Sinica Ming-Syan,Chen; National Taiwan Univ(Paper ID:112)Statistical Arbitrage Mining for Display AdvertisingWeinan Zhang,University College London; Jun Wang,University College London(Paper ID:56)Research Session RT11: Sampling and Streams Tuesday 3:20 pm–5:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 5 & 6Chair: Saharon Rosset
Monitoring Least Squares Models of Distributed Streams
Moshe Gabel,Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; Daniel Keren,Haifa University; Assaf Schuster,Technion - Israel Institute of Technology(Paper ID:508)Stream Sampling for Frequency Cap StatisticsEdith Cohen,Google Research(Paper ID:118)On the Discovery of Evolving TruthYaliang Li,SUNY Buffalo; Qi Li,SUNY Buffalo; Jing Gao,SUNY Buffalo; Lu Su,SUNY Buffalo; Bo Zhao,LinkedIn; Wei Fan,Baidu Big Data Lab; Jiawei Han,University of Illinois(Paper ID:116)Efficient Online Evaluation of Big Data Stream ClassifiersAlbert Bifet,Huawei; Gianmarco de Francisci Morales,Aalto University; Jesse Read,Aalto University; Geoff Holmes,University of Waikato; Bernhard Pfahringer,University of Waikato(Paper ID:663)A PCA-Based Change Detection Framework for Multidimensional Data StreamsAbdulhakim A,Qahtan; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Basma,Alharbi; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Suojin,Wang; Texas A\&M University Xiangliang,Zhang; King Abdullah University of Science and Technolog(Paper ID:592)Research Session RT12: Security and PrivacyTuesday 3:20 pm–5:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 2 & 3Chair: Arno Siebes
VEWS: A Wikipedia Vandal Early Warning System
Srijan Kumar,University of Maryland; Francesca Spezzano,University of Maryland; V.S. Subrahmanian,University of Maryland(Paper ID:637)Scalable Blocking for Privacy Preserving Record LinkageAlexandros Karakasidis,Hellenic Open University; Georgia Koloniari,University of Macedonia; Vassilios S.,Verykios; Hellenic Open Universit(Paper ID:183)Differentially Private High-Dimensional Data Publishing via Sampling-Based InferenceRui Chen,Samsung Research America; Qian Xiao,National University of Singapore; Yu Zhang,Hong Kong Baptist University; Jianliang Xu,Hong Kong Baptist University(Paper ID:701)On Estimating the Swapping Rate for Categorical DataDaniel Kifer,Penn State University(Paper ID:650)Maximum Likelihood Postprocessing for Differential Privacy under Consistency ConstraintsJaewoo Lee,Penn State University; Yue Wang,Penn State University; Daniel Kifer,Penn State University(Paper ID:626)Research Session RT13: Mining Rich Data Types 2Wednesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom AChair: Albert Bifet
Assembler: Efficient Discovery of Spatial Co-evolving Patterns in Massive Geo-sensory Data
Chao Zhang,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Yu Zheng,Microsoft Research; Xiuli Ma,Peking University; Jiawei Han,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Paper ID:775)TOPTRAC: Topical Trajectory Pattern MiningYounghoon Kim,Hanyang University; Jiawei Han,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Cangzhou Yuan,Beihang University(Paper ID:466)Modeling User Mobility for Location Promotion in Location-based Social NetworksWen-Yuan Zhu,National Chiao Tung University; Wen-Chih Peng,National Chiao Tung University; Ling-Jyh Chen,Academia Sinica; Kai Zheng,The University of Queensland; Xiaofang Zhou,The University of Queensland(Paper ID:421)A Decision Tree Framework for Spatiotemporal Sequence PredictionTaehwan Kim,Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago; Yisong Yue,California Institute of Technology; Sarah Taylor,Disney Research Pittsburgh; Iain Matthews,Disney Research Pittsburgh(Paper ID:570)State-Driven Dynamic Sensor Selection and Prediction with State-Stacked SparsenessGuo-Jun Qi,University of Central Florida; Charu Aggarwal,IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Deepak Turaga,IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Daby Sow,IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Phil Anno,ConocoPhillips(Paper ID:733)Research Session RT14: Crowds and UsersWednesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom BChair: Xiang Ren
Modeling Truth Existence in Truth Discovery
Shi Zhi,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Bo Zhao,LinkedIn; Wenzhu Tong,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jing Gao,SUNY Buffalo; Dian Yu,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Heng Ji,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jiawei Han,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Paper ID:456)Exploiting Relevance Feedback in Knowledge Graph SearchYu Su,University of California, Santa Barbara; Shengqi Yang,University of California, Santa Barbara; Huan Sun,University of California, Santa Barbara; Mudhakar Srivatsa,IBM Research; Sue Kase,U.S. Army Research Laboratory; Michelle Vanni,U.S. Army Research Laboratory; Xifeng Yan,University of California, Santa Barbara(Paper ID:340)Graph Query Reformulation with DiversityDavide Mottin,University of Trento; Francesco Bonchi,Yahoo Labs; Francesco Gullo,Yahoo Labs(Paper ID:472)FaitCrowd: Fine Grained Truth Discovery for Crowdsourced Data AggregationFenglong Ma,SUNY Buffalo; Yaliang Li,SUNY Buffalo; Qi Li,SUNY Buffalo; Minghui Qiu,Singapore Management University; Jing Gao,SUNY Buffalo; Shi Zhi,University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Lu Su,SUNY Buffalo; Bo Zhao,LinkedIn; Heng Ji,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jiawei Han,University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign(Paper ID:317)Debiasing Crowdsourced BatchesHonglei Zhuang,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Aditya Parameswaran,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Dan Roth,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jiawei Han,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Paper ID:323)Research Session RT15: Healthcare and Medicine 1Wednesday 10:20 am-12:00 pm | Level 2 – State RoomChair: Vincent S. Tseng
Hierarchical Graph-Coupled HMMs on Heterogeneity and Personalized Health
Kai Fan,Duke University; Marisa Eisenberg,University of Michigan-School of Public Health, Ann Arbor; Alison Walsh,University of Michigan-School of Public Health, Ann Arbor; Allison Aiello,University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Katherine Heller,Duke University(Paper ID:396)Simultaneous Modeling of Multiple Diseases for Mortality Prediction in Acute Hospital CareNozomi Nori,Kyoto University; Hisashi Kashima,Kyoto University; Kazuto Yamashita,Kyoto University; Hiroshi Ikai,Kyoto University; Yuichi Imanaka,Kyoto University(Paper ID:302)Dynamically Modeling Patient?s Health State from Electronic Medical Records: A Time Series ApproachKarla L,Caballero Barajas; University of California Santa Cruz Ram,Akella; University of California Berkele(Paper ID:178)Instance Weighting for Patient-Specific Risk Stratification ModelsJen J.,Gong; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thoralf,M.; Sundt Massachusetts General Hospital,James; D. Rawn,Brigham and Women's Hospital; John V.,Guttag; Massachusetts Institute of Technolog(Paper ID:796)Deep Computational PhenotypingDavid Kale,University of Southern California; Zhengping Che,University of Southern California; Wenzhe Li,University of Southern California; Mohammad Taha,Bahadori; University of Southern California Yan,Liu; University of Southern Californi(Paper ID:624)Research Session RT16: Knowledge DiscoveryWednesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 3&4Chair: Xiangliang Zhang
Optimal Kernel Group Transformation for Exploratory Regression Analysis and Graphics
Chao Pan,Purdue University; Qiming Huang,Purdue University; Michael Zhu,Purdue University(Paper ID:410)Towards Decision Support and Goal Achievement: Identifying Action-Outcome Relationships from Social MediaEmre Kiciman,Microsoft Research; Matthew Richardson,Microsoft Research(Paper ID:312)Longitudinal LASSO: Jointly Learning Features and Temporal Contingency for Outcome PredictionTingyang Xu,University of Connecticut; Jiangwen Sun,University of Connecticut; Jinbo Bi,University of Connecticut(Paper ID:830)Trading Interpretability for Accuracy: Oblique Treed Sparse Additive ModelsJialei Wang,University of Chicago; Ryohei Fujimaki,NEC Laboratories America; Yosuke Motohashi,NEC Corporation(Paper ID:855)Portraying Collective Spatial Attention in TwitterAmilien Antoine,Kyoto Sangyo University; Adam Jatowt,Kyoto University; Shoko Wakamiya,Kyoto Sangyo University; Yukiko Kawai,Kyoto Sangyo University; Toyokazu Akiyama,Kyoto Sangyo University(Paper ID:927)Research Session RT17: Social and Graphs 3Wednesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom BChair: Tina Eliassi-Rad
Edge-Weighted Personalized PageRank: Breaking A Decade-Old Performance Barrier
Wenlei Xie,Cornell University; David Bindel,Cornell University; Alan Demers,Cornell University; Johannes Gehrke,Cornell University(Paper ID:117)SEISMIC: A Self-Exciting Point Process Model for Predicting Tweet PopularityQingyuan Zhao,Stanford University; Murat A.,Erdogdu; Stanford University Hera,Y.; He Stanford University,Anand; Rajaraman Stanford University,Jure; Leskovec Stanford Universit(Paper ID:819)Beyond Triangles: A Distributed Framework for Estimating 3-profiles of Large GraphsEthan R.,Elenberg; The University of Texas Karthikeyan,Shanmugam; The University of Texas Michael,Borokhovich; The University of Texas Alexandros,G.; Dimakis The University of Texa(Paper ID:896)Scalable Large Near-Clique Detection in Large-Scale Networks via SamplingMichael Mitzenmacher,Harvard University; Jakub Pachocki,Carnegie Mellon University; Richard Peng,MIT; Charalampos Tsourakakis,Harvard University; Shen Chen Xu,Carnegie Mellon University(Paper ID:720)Efficient PageRank Tracking in Evolving NetworksNaoto Ohsaka,The University of Tokyo; Takanori Maehara,Shizuoka University; Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi,National Institute of Informatics(Paper ID:228)MASCOT: Memory-efficient and Accurate Sampling for Counting Local Triangles in Graph StreamsYongsub Lim,KAIST; U Kang,KAIST(Paper ID:163)Research Session RT18: Clustering and TextWednesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 2 – State RoomChair: Jiawei Han
Reconstructing Textual Documents from n-grams
Matthias Gall?,Xerox Research Centre Europe; Mat?as Tealdi,Universidad Nacional de C?rdoba(Paper ID:605)Incorporating World Knowledge to Document Clustering via Heterogeneous Information NetworksChenguang Wang,Peking University; Yangqiu Song,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ahmed El-Kishky,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Dan Roth,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ming Zhang,Peking University; Jiawei Han,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Paper ID:672)Spectral Ensemble ClusteringHongfu Liu,College of Engineering, Northeastern University; Tongliang Liu,University of Technology, Sydney; Junjie Wu,Beihang University; Dacheng Tao,University of Technology, Sydney; Yun Fu,College of Engineering, Northeastern University(Paper ID:174)PTE: Predictive Text Embedding through Large-scale Heterogeneous Text NetworksJian Tang,Microsoft Research Asia; Meng Qu,Peking University; Qiaozhu Mei,University of Michigan(Paper ID:292)Diversifying Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Document ModelingPengtao Xie,Carnegie Mellon University; Yuntian Deng,Carnegie Mellon University; Eric Xing,Carnegie Mellon University(Paper ID:33)Dirichlet-Hawkes Processes with Applications to Clustering Continuous-Time Document StreamsNan Du,Georgia Institute of Technology; Mehrdad Farajtabar,Georgia Institute of Technology; Amr Ahmed,Google Strategic Technologies; Alexander J.,Smola; Carnegie Mellon University Le,Song; Georgia Institute of Technolog(Paper ID:876)Research Session RT19: Semi-supervised Learning and KernelsWednesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 3 & 4Chair: Saharon Rosset
Reducing the Unlabeled Sample Complexity of Semi-Supervised Multi-View Learning
Chao Lan,University of Kansas; Jun Huan,University of Kansas(Paper ID:869)Robust Treecode Approximation for Kernel MachinesWilliam B.,March; University of Texas Bo,Xiao; University of Texas Sameer,Tharakan; University of Texas Chenhan,D.; Yu University of Texas,George; Biros University of Texa(Paper ID:80)Deep Graph KernelsPinar Yanardag,Purdue University; SVN Vishwanathan,University of California, Santa Cruz(Paper ID:921)From Groups to Individual Labels using Deep FeaturesDimitrios Kotzias,University of California Irvine; Misha Denil,University of Oxford; Nando de Freitas,University of Oxford; Padhraic Smyth,University of California Irvine(Paper ID:705)Using local spectral methods to robustify graph-based learning algorithmsDavid F,Gleich; Purdue University Michael,W; Mahoney University of California Berkele(Paper ID:683)Online Outlier Exploration Over Large DatasetsLei Cao,Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Mingrui Wei,Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Di Yang,Oracle Corporation; Elke A,Rundensteiner; Worcester Polytechnic Institut(Paper ID:723)Research Session RT20: Recommender Systems 1Wednesday 3:20 pm–5:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom BChair: U Kang
Matrix Completion with Queries
Natali Ruchansky,Boston University; Mark Crovella,Boston University; Evimaria Terzi,Boston University(Paper ID:6)Fast and Robust Parallel SGD Matrix FactorizationJinoh Oh,POSTECH; Wook-Shin Han,POSTECH; Hwanjo Yu,POSTESCH; Xiaoqian Jiang,University of California at San Diego(Paper ID:352)Collaborative Deep Learning for Recommender SystemsHao Wang,HKUST; Naiyan Wang,HKUST; Dit-Yan Yeung,HKUST(Paper ID:88)Dynamic Matrix Factorization with Priors on Unknown ValuesRobin Devooght,IRIDIA, ULB; Nicolas Kourtellis,Telefonica Research; Amin Mantrach,Yahoo Labs(Paper ID:486)Real Time Recommendations from ConnoisseursNoriaki Kawamae,Tokyo Denki University(Paper ID:8)Research Session RT21: Pattern MiningWednesday 3:20 pm– 5:00 pm | Level 2 – State RoomChair: Bart Goethals
Accelerating Dynamic Time Warping Clustering with a Novel Admissible Pruning Strategy
Nurjahan Begum,University of California, Riverside; Liudmila Ulanova,University of California, Riverside; Jun Wang,University of Texas at Dallas; Eamonn Keogh,University of California, Riverside(Paper ID:171)Discovery of Meaningful Rules in Time SeriesMohammad Shokoohi-Yekta,University of California, Riverside; Yanping Chen,University of California, Riverside; Bilson Campana,University of California, Riverside; Bing Hu,University of California, Riverside; Jesin Zakaria,University of California, Riverside; Eamonn Keogh,University of California, Riverside(Paper ID:290)Fast and Memory-Efficient Significant Pattern Mining via Permutation TestingFelipe Llinares-L?pez,ETH Z?rich; Mahito Sugiyama,Osaka University; Laetitia Papaxanthos,ETH Z?rich; Karsten Borgwardt,ETH Z?rich(Paper ID:617)Mining Frequent Itemsets through Progressive Sampling with Rademacher AveragesMatteo Riondato,Brown University; Eli Upfal,Brown University(Paper ID:40)Modeling Large Social Networks in Context2015 SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Award (Runner-up)Qirong HoResearch Session RT22: Transfer LearningWednesday 3:20 pm–5:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 3&4 Chair: Dacheng Tao
Deep Model Based Transfer and Multi-Task Learning for Biological Image Analysis
Wenlu Zhang,Old Dominion University; Rongjian Li,Old Dominion University; Tao Zeng,Old Dominion University; Qian Sun,Arizona State University; Sudhir Kumar,Temple University; Jieping Ye,University of Michigan; Shuiwang Ji,Old Dominion University(Paper ID:272)Adaptation Algorithm and Theory Based on Generalized DiscrepancyCorinna Cortes,Google Research; Mehryar Mohri,Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; Google Research; Andres Munoz Medina,Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences(Paper ID:646)Learning Tree Structure in Multi-Task LearningLei Han,Hong Kong Baptist University; Yu Zhang,Hong Kong Baptist University(Paper ID:773)Transitive Transfer LearningBen Tan,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Yangqiu Song,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Erheng Zhong,Personalization Sciences, Yahoo Labs; Qiang Yang,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Paper ID:205)Model Multiple Heterogeneity via Hierarchical Multi-Latent Space LearningPei Yang,Arizona State University; Jingrui He,Arizona State University(Paper ID:418)Research Session RT23: Applications 3Thursday 10:20 am– 12:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom AChair: Sofus Macskássy
Who supported Obama in 2012? Ecological inference through distribution regression
Seth R,Flaxman; Carnegie Mellon University Yu-Xiang,Wang; Carnegie Mellon University Alexander,J; Smola Carnegie Mellon Universit(Paper ID:246)Certifying and removing disparate impactMichael Feldman,Haverford College; Sorelle A.,Friedler; Haverford College John,Moeller; University of Utah Carlos,Scheidegger; University of Arizona Suresh,Venkatasubramanian; University of Uta(Paper ID:314)Inside Jokes: Identifying Humorous Cartoon CaptionsDafna Shahaf,Microsoft Research; Eric Horvitz,Microsoft Research; Robert Mankoff,The New Yorker Magazine(Paper ID:725)Cinema Data Mining: The Smell of FearJörg Wicker, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; Nicolas Krauter, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz;Bettina Derstorff, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie; Christof Stönner, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie; Efstratios Bourtsoukidis, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie; Thomas Klüpfel, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie; Jonathan Williams, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie;Stefan Kramer, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz(Paper ID:833)Co-Clustering based Dual Prediction for Cargo Pricing OptimizationYada Zhu,IBM Research; Hongxia Yang,Yahoo! Inc; Jingrui He,Arizona State University(Paper ID:452)Research Session RT24: Recommender Systems 2Thursday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom BChair: Jana Doppa
A Collective Bayesian Poisson Factorization Model for Cold-start Local Event Recommendation
Wei Zhang,Tsinghua University; Jianyong Wang,Tsinghua University(Paper ID:450)Inferring Networks of Substitutable and Complementary ProductsJulian McAuley,UC San Diego; Rahul Pandey,Pinterest; Jure Leskovec,Stanford University(Paper ID:709)SCRAM: A Sharing Considered Route Assignment Mechanism for Fair Taxi Route RecommendationsShiyou Qian, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Jian Cao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Frédéric Le Mouël, University of Lyon, INSA-Lyon; Issam Sahel, University of Lyon, INSA-Lyon; Minglu Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Paper ID:23)Regularity and Conformity: Location Prediction Using Heterogeneous Mobility DataYingzi Wang,University of Science and Technology of China; Nicholas Jing Yuan,Microsoft Research; Defu Lian,Big Data Research Center, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Linli Xu,University of Science and Technology of China; Xing Xie,Microsoft Research; Enhong Chen,University of Science and Technology of China; Yong Rui,Microsoft Research(Paper ID:515)Geo-SAGE: A Geographical Sparse Additive Generative Model for Spatial Item RecommendationWeiqing Wang,The University of Queensland; Hongzhi Yin,The University of Queensland; Ling Chen,University of Technology, Sydney; Yizhou Sun,Northeastern University; Shazia Sadiq,The University of Queensland; Xiaofang Zhou,The University of Queensland(Paper ID:449)Research Session RT25: Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering 1Thursday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 2 – State RoomChair: Paul Beinat
Adaptive Message Update for Fast Affinity Propagation
Yasuhiro Fujiwara,NTT Software Innovation Center; Makoto Nakatsuji,NTT Service Evolution Laboratories; Hiroaki Shiokawa,NTT Software Innovation Center; Yasutoshi Ida,NTT Software Innovation Center; Machiko Toyoda,NTT Software Innovation Center(Paper ID:127)Turn Waste into Wealth: On Simultaneous Clustering and Cleaning over Dirty DataShaoxu Song,Tsinghua University; Chunping Li,Tsinghua University; Xiaoquan Zhang,Tsinghua University(Paper ID:327)A Clustering-Based Framework to Control Block Sizes for Entity ResolutionJeffrey Fisher,Australian National University; Peter Christen,Australian National University; Qing Wang,Australian National University; Erhard Rahm,University of Leipzig(Paper ID:791)Estimating Local Intrinsic DimensionalityLaurent Amsaleg,CNRS / IRISA Rennes; Oussama Chelly,National Institute of Informatics; Teddy Furon,INRIA / IRISA Rennes; St?phane Girard,INRIA Grenoble; Michael E,Houle; National Institute of Informatics Ken-ichi,Kawarabayashi; National Institute of Informatics Michael,Nett; Google Japa(Paper ID:834)Unsupervised Feature Selection with Adaptive Structure LearningLiang Du,ISCAS; Yi-Dong Shen,ISCAS(Paper ID:482)Research Session RT26: Healthcare and Medicine 2Thursday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 2Chair: Balaji Krishnapuram
Where to Deploy the Next Monitoring Station? A Joint Air Quality Inference and Recommendation System for Building New Measurement Stations
Hsun-Ping Hsieh,National Taiwan University; Shou-De Lin,National Taiwan University; Yu Zheng,Microsoft Research(Paper ID:476)LINKAGE: An Approach for Comprehensive Risk Prediction for Care ManagementZhaonan Sun,IBM T. J. Watson Research Center; Fei Wang,University of Connecticut; Jianying Hu,IBM T. J. Watson Research Center(Paper ID:371)Temporal Phenotyping from Longitudinal Electronic Health Records: A Graph Based FrameworkChuanren Liu,Drexel University; Fei Wang,University of Connecticut; Jianying Hu,IBM T. J. Watson Research Center; Hui Xiong,Rutgers University(Paper ID:543)Dynamic Poisson Autoregression for Influenza-Like-Illness Case Counts PredictionZheng Wang,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Prithwish Chakraborty,Virginia Tech; Sumiko R,Mekaru; Boston Children's Hospital John,S; Brownstein Boston Children's Hospital,Jieping; Ye University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Naren; Ramakrishnan Virginia Tec(Paper ID:186)Unified and Contrasting Cuts in Multiple Graphs: Application to Medical Imaging SegmentationChia-Tung Kuo,University of California, Davis; Xiang Wang,Google; Peter Walker,Naval Medical Research Center; Owen Carmichael,University of California, Davis; Jieping Ye,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Ian Davidson,University of California, Davis(Paper ID:333)Research Session RT27: Social and Graphs 4Thursday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom BChair: Matteo Riondato
Community Detection based on Distance Dynamics
Junming Shao,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Zhichao Han,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Qinli Yang,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Tao Zhou,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Paper ID:252)Probabilistic Community and Role Model for Social NetworksYu Han,Tsinghua University; Jie Tang,Tsinghua University(Paper ID:91)TimeCrunch: Interpretable Dynamic Graph SummarizationNeil Shah,Carnegie Mellon University; Danai Koutra,Carnegie Mellon University; Tianmin Zou,Carnegie Mellon University; Brian Gallagher,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Christos Faloutsos,Carnegie Mellon University(Paper ID:342)Online Influence MaximizationSiyu Lei,University of Hong Kong; Silviu Maniu,Huawei Noah's Ark Lab; Luyi Mo,University of Hong Kong; Reynold Cheng,University of Hong Kong; Pierre Senellart,Telecom ParisTech(Paper ID:77)Reciprocity in Social Networks with Capacity ConstraintsBo Jiang,University of Massachusetts; Zhi-Li Zhang,University of Minnesota; Don Towsley,University of Massachusetts(Paper ID:872)Why It Happened: Identifying and Modeling the Reasons of the Happening of Social EventsYu Rong,The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Hong Cheng,The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Zhiyu Mo,The Chinese University of Hong Kong(Paper ID:276)Research Session RT28: Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering 2Thursday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 2 – State RoomChair: Katharina Morik
Heterogeneous Network Embedding via Deep Architectures
Shiyu Chang,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Wei Han,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jiliang Tang,Arizona State University; Guo-Jun Qi,University of Central Florida; Charu C,Aggarwal; IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Thomas,S; Huang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig(Paper ID:208)On the formation of circles in co-authorship networksTanmoy Chakraborty,Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur; Sikhar Patranabis,Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur; Pawan Goyal,Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur; Animesh Mukherjee,Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur(Paper ID:190)Non-exhaustive, Overlapping Clustering via Low-Rank Semidefinite ProgrammingYangyang Hou,Purdue University; Joyce Jiyoung,Whang; University of Texas at Austin David,F; Gleich Purdue University,Inderjit; S Dhillon,University of Texas at Austin(Paper ID:798)Subspace Clustering Using Log-determinant Rank ApproximationChong Peng,Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Zhao Kang,Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Huiqing Li,Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Qiang Cheng,Southern Illinois University Carbondale(Paper ID:271)More Constraints, Smaller Coresets: Constrained Matrix Approximation of Sparse Big DataDan Feldman,University of Haifa; Tamir Tassa,The Open University(Paper ID:315)Dimensionality Reduction via Graph Structure LearningQi Mao,SUNY at Buffalo; Li Wang,University of Victoria; Steve Goodison,Mayo Clinic; Yijun Sun,SUNY at Buffalo(Paper ID:304)Research Session RT29: Supervised LearningThursday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 2 – Room 2Chair: Paul Beinat
Quick sensitivity analysis for incremental data modification and its application to leave-one-out CV in linear classification problems
Shota Okumura,Nagoya Institute of Technology; Yoshiki Suzuki,Nagoya Institute of Technology; Ichiro Takeuchi,Nagoya Institute of Technology(Paper ID:496)Warm Start for Parameter Selection of Linear ClassifiersBo-Yu Chu,Dept. of Computer Science, National Taiwan Univ.; Chia-Hua Ho,Dept. of Computer Science, National Taiwan Univ.; Cheng-Hao Tsai,Dept. of Computer Science, National Taiwan Univ.; Chieh-Yen Lin,Dept. of Computer Science, National Taiwan Univ.; Chih-Jen Lin,Dept. of Computer Science, National Taiwan Univ.(Paper ID:431)Discovering and Exploiting Deterministic Label Relationships in Multi-Label LearningChristina Papagiannopoulou,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Grigorios Tsoumakas,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Ioannis Tsamardinos,University of Crete - Institute of Computer Science, FORTH(Paper ID:262)Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted TreesZhicheng Cui,Washington University in St. Louis; Wenlin Chen,Washington University in St. Louis; Yujie He,Washington University in St. Louis; Yixin Chen,Washington University in St. Louis(Paper ID:128)The Child is Father of the Man: Foresee the Success at the Early StageLiangyue Li,Arizona State University; Hanghang Tong,Arizona State University(Paper ID:459)Learning with similarity functions on graphs using matchings of geometric embeddingsFredrik D,Johansson; Chalmers University of Technology Devdatt,Dubhashi; Chalmers University of Technolog(Paper ID:461)Research Session RT30: Similarity and HashingThursday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 2&3Chair: Qi He
Panther: Fast Top-k Similarity Search on Large Networks
Jing Zhang, Tsinghua University; Jie Tang, Tsinghua University; Cong Ma, Tsinghua University; Hanghang Tong, ASU; Yu Jing, Tsinghua University; Juanzi Li, Tsinghua University.(Paper ID:53)Cuckoo Linear AlgebraLi Zhou,Carnegie Mellon University; David G,Andersen; Carnegie Mellon University Mu,Li; Carnegie Mellon University Alexander,J; Smola Carnegie Mellon Universit(Paper ID:26)Selective Hashing: Closing the Gap between Radius Search and k-NN SearchJinyang Gao,National University of Singapore; H. V. Jagadish,University of Michigan; Beng Chin Ooi,National University of Singapore; Sheng Wang,National University of Singapore(Paper ID:154)0-Bit Consistent Weighted SamplingPing Li,Rutgers University(Paper ID:850)Non-transitive Hashing with Latent Similarity ComponentsMingdong Ou,Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology,Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua Univ; Peng Cui,Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology,Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua Univ; Fei Wang,Department of Computer Science and Engineering,School of Engineering,University of Connecticut; Jun Wang,Data Science, Alibaba Group; Wenwu Zhu,Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology,Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua Univ(Paper ID:139)Improved Bounds on the Dot Product under Random Projection and Random Sign ProjectionAta Kaban,University of Birmingham(Paper ID:621)Industry & Government Session IG01: Big Data Tuesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 2 & 3Chair: Ranga Vatsavai
An Architecture for Agile Machine Learning in Real-Time Applications
Johann Schleier-Smith, if(we) Inc.(Paper ID: 198)Proof Protocol for a Machine Learning Technique Making Longitudinal Predictions in Dynamic ContextsKevin Pratt, ZZAlpha Ltd.(Paper ID: 88)Distributed PersonalizationXu Miao, LinkedIn; Chun-te Chu, Microsoft; Lijun Tang, LinkedIn; yitong Zhou, LinkedIn; Joel Young, LinkedIn; Anmol Bhasin,(Paper ID: 194) Predicting Voice Elicited EmotionsYing Li, Jobaline; Jose Contreras, Jobaline Inc.; Luis Salazar, Jobaline Inc.(Paper ID: 165) Traffic measurement and route recommendation system for Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)Thomas Holleczek, Singtel; Han Leong Goh, Singtel; Antonatos Spyridon, Singtel; Dang The Anh, Singtel; Yunye Jin, Singtel; Samantha Low, Singtel; Amy Shi-Nash, Singtel; Shanyang Yin,(Paper ID: 85)Industry & Government Session IG02: E-Commerce and IRTuesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 4 & 5Chair: Mohit Kumar
Leveraging Knowledge Bases for Contextual Entity Exploration
Joonseok Lee, Georgia Institute of Technolog; Bo Zhao, Microsoft Research; Yuanhua Lv, Microsoft Research; Ariel Fuxman, Google Inc.(Paper ID: 17) Stock Constrained Recommendation in TmallWenliang Zhong, Alibaba Group; Rong Jin, Michigan State University; Cheng Yang,; XIaowei Yan,; Qi Zhang,; Qiang Li,(Paper ID: 22) Going In-depth: Finding Longform on the WebVirginia Smith, UC Berkeley; Miriam Connor, Google Inc.; Isabelle Stanton, Google Inc(Paper ID: 112) Building Discriminative User Profiles for Large-scale Content RecommendationNathan Liu,; Erheng Zhong, Yahoo; Yue Shi,; Suju Rajan, Yahoo! Labs(Paper ID: 139) E-commerce in your Inbox: Cross-domain product recommendations at scaleMihajlo Grbovic, Yahoo Labs; Vladan Radosavljevic, Yahoo Labs; Nemanja Djuric, Yahoo Labs; Narayan Bhamidipati, Yahoo Labs(Paper ID: 195)Industry & Government Session IG03: ApplicationsTuesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 4 & 5Chair: Rohan Baxter
Efficient Long-Term Degradation Profiling in Time Series for Complex Physical Systems
Liudmila Ulanova, UC Riverside; Tan Yan, NEC Laboratories America; Haifeng Chen, NEC Research Lab; Geoff Jiang, NEC Laboratories America; Eamonn Keogh, UC Riverside; Kai Zhang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory(Paper ID: 34) ALOJA-ML: A Framework for Automating Characterization and Knowledge Discovery in Hadoop DeploymentsJosep Berral, Barcelona Supercomputing Cente; Nicolas Poggi, Barcelona Supercomputing Center; David Carrera, Barcelona Supercomputing Center; Aaron Call, Barcelona Supercomputing Center; Rob Reinauer, Microsoft Corporation; Daron Green, Microsoft Corporation(Paper ID: 114) Mining for Causal Relationships: A Data-Driven Study of the Islamic StateAndrew Stanton, Arizona State University; Amanda Thart, Arizona State University; Ashish Jain, Arizona State University; Priyank Vyas, Arizona State University; Arpan Chatterjee, Arizona State University; Paulo Shakarian, Arizona State University(Paper ID: 86) Spoken English Grading: Machine Learning with Crowd IntelligenceVinay Shashidhar, Aspiring Minds; Nishant Pandey, Aspiring Minds; Varun Aggarwal, Aspiring Minds(Paper ID: 100) Exploiting Data Mining for Authenticity Assessment and Protection of High-Quality Italian Wines from PiedmontLuigi Portinale, University of Eastern Piedmont; Giorgio Leonardi, University of Eastern Piedmont; Marco Arlorio, University of Eastern Piedmont; Jean Daniel Coisson, University of Eastern Piedmont; Monica Locatelli, University of Eastern Piedmont(Paper ID: 107) FrauDetector: A Graph-Mining-based Framework for Fraudulent Phone Call DetectionVincent Tseng,; Jia-Ching Ying, National Cheng Kung University; Che-Wei Huang, National Cheng Kung University; Yimin Kao, Gogolook Co. Ltd.; Kuan-Ta Chen, Academia Sinica(Paper ID: 187)Industry & Government Session IG04: Business, Sales, Marketing, AdvertisingTuesday 3:20 pm–5:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 4 & 5Chair: Warwick Graco
Probabilistic modeling of a sales funnel to prioritize leads
Brendan Duncan, UC San Diego; Charles Elkan, UC San Diego(Paper ID: 61) Interpreting Advertiser Intent in Sponsored SearchBhanu Vattikonda, UCSD; Alex Snoeren, UCSD; Vacha Dave, Microsoft, Mountain View; Saikat Guha, Microsoft Research, India(Paper ID: 23) Click-through Prediction for Advertising in Twitter TimelineCheng Li, University of Michigan; Yue Lu, Twitter Inc; Qiaozhu Mei, University of Michigan; Dong Wang, Twitter Inc; Sandeep Pandey, Twitter Inc(Paper ID: 68) Promoting Positive Post-click Experience for In-Stream Yahoo Gemini UsersMounia Lalmas, Yahoo! Labs Barcelona; Janette Lehmann, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Guy Shaked, Yahoo Inc.; Fabrizio Silvestri, Yahoo Labs; Gabriele Tolomei, Yahoo Labs(Paper ID: 67) Real-Time Bid Prediction using Thompson Sampling-Based Expert SelectionElena Ikonomovska, Turn Inc; Sina Jafarpour, Turn Inc; Ali Dasdan, Turn Inc(Paper ID: 75)Industry & Government Session IG05: Social NetworksWednesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 2 & 3Chair: Paulo Shakarian
When-To-Post on Social Networks
Nemanja Spasojevic, Klout Inc.; Zhisheng Li, Klout Inc; Adithya Rao, Klout Inc; Prantik Bhattacharyya, Klout Inc(Paper ID: 73) On the Reliability of Profile Matching Across Large Online Social NetworksOana Goga, MPI-SWS; Patrick Loiseau, EURECOM; Robin Sommer,; Renata Teixeira,; Krishna Gummadi,(Paper ID: 115) From Infrastructure to Culture: A/B Testing Challenges in Large Scale Social NetworksYa Xu, LinkedIn Corp; Nanyu Chen,; Adrian Fernandez,; Omar Sinno,; Anmol Bhasin,(Paper ID: 116) Utilizing Text Mining on Online Medical Forums to Predict Label Change due to Adverse Drug ReactionsAviv Peretz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Ronen Feldman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Oded Netzer, Columbia University; Binyamin Rosenfeld, Digital Trowel(Paper ID: 133) Online Topic-based Social Influence Analysis for the Wimbledon ChampionshipsVarun Embar, IBM Research; Indrajit Bhattacharya, IBM Research; Vinayaka Pandit, IBM Research; Roman Vaculin, IBM Research(Paper ID: 93)Industry & Government Session IG06: Business and IRWednesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 4 & 5Chair: Debbie Zhang
Annotating needles in the haystack without looking: Product information extraction from emails
Weinan Zhang, University College London; Amr Ahmed, Google; Jie Yang, Google; Vanja Josifovski, Google; Alexander Smola, Carnegie Mellon University(Paper ID: 66) Big Data System for Analyzing Risky Procurement EntitiesAmit Dhurandhar, IBM TJ Watson Research Center; Rajesh Kumar Ravi, IBM TJ Watson Research Center; Bruce Graves, IBM Corporation; Gopikrishnan Maniachari, IBM TJ Watson Research Center; Markus Ettl, IBM TJ Watson Research Center(Paper ID: 14) Client Clustering for Hiring Modeling in Work MarketplacesVasilis Verroios, Stanford University; Panagiotis Papadimitriou, Elance-oDesk; Ramesh Johari, Stanford University; Hector Garcia-Molina, Stanford University(Paper ID: 84) Voltage Correlations in Smart Meter DataRajendu Mitra, IBM Research; Ramachandra Kota, IBM Research; Sambaran Bandyopadhyay, IBM Research; Vijay Arya, IBM Research; Brian Sullivan, DTE Energy; Richard Mueller, DTE Energy; Heather Storey, DTE Energy; Gerard Labut, DTE Energy(Paper ID: 98) Optimizing Service Time in Incident Resolution Through Data-Informed DispatchingMirela Botezatu, IBM Research; Jasmina Bogojeska, IBM Research; ioana Giurgiu, IBM Research; Hagen Voelzer, IBM Research; Dorothea Wiesmann, IBM Research(Paper ID: 132)Industry & Government Session IG07: Social GoodWednesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 2 & 3Chair: Polo Chau
A Machine Learning Framework to Identify Students at Risk of Adverse Academic Outcomes
Himabindu Lakkaraju, Stanford University; Everaldo Aguiar,; Carl Shan,; David Miller,; Nasir Bhanpuri,; Rayid Ghani, University of Chicago; Kecia Addison,(Paper ID: 166) Early Identification of Violent Criminal Gang MembersElham Shaabani, Arizona State University; Ashkan Aleali, Arizona State University; Paulo Shakarian, Arizona State University; John Bertetto, Chicago Police Department(Paper ID: 164) Mining Administrative Data to Spur Urban RevitalizationBen Green, Harvard University; Alejandra Caro, Carnegie Mellon University; Matthew Conway, University of Chicago; Robert Manduca, Harvard University; Tom Plagge, University of Chicago; Abby Miller, Innovation Delivery Team(Paper ID: 26) Forecasting Fine-Grained Air Quality Based on Big DataYu Zheng, Microsoft Research; Xiuwen Yi, Southwest Jiaotong University; Ming Li, Microsoft Research; Ruiyuan Li, Microsoft Research; Zhangqin Shan, Fudan University; Eric Chang, Microsoft Research; Tianrui Li, Southwest Jiaotong University(Paper ID: 41) Scalable Machine Learning Approaches for Neighborhood Classification Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing ImageryManu Sethi, University of Florida; Yupeng Yan, University of Florida; Anand Rangarajan, University of Florida; Ranga Vatsavai, North Carolina State University; Sanjay Ranka, University of Florida(Paper ID: 191) Predictive Modeling for Public Health: Preventing Childhood Lead PoisoningEric Potash, University of Chicago; Joe Walsh, University of Chicago; Joe Brew, University of Florida; Alexander Loewi, Carnegie Mellon University; Subhabrata Majumdar, University of Minnesota; Andrew Reece, Harvard University; Eric Rozier, University of Cincinnati; Emile Jorgensen, Chicago Department of Public Health; Raed Mansour, Chicago Department of Public Health; Rayid Ghani, University of Chicago(Paper ID: 208)Industry & Government Session IG08: HealthWednesday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 4 & 5Chair: Lin Liu
Intelligible High-Accuracy Models in HealthCare: Predicting Pneumonia Risk and Hospital 30-day Readmission
Rich Caruana, Microsoft Research; Yin Lou, LinkedIn; Paul Koch, Microsoft; Johannes Gehrke, Microsoft; Marc Sturm, NYP(Paper ID: 143) Dynamic Hierarchical Classification for Patient Risk-of-ReadmissionSenjuti Basu Roy*, University of Washington Tacoma; Ankur Teredesai, University of Washington Tacoma; Kiyana Zolfaghar, Microsoft; Rui Liu, University of Washington Tacoma; David Hazel, KenSci Inc.; Stacey Newman, University of Washington Tacoma, Albert Marinez, MultiCare Health System(Paper ID: 74) Predicting Ambulance Demand: A Spatio-Temporal Kernel ApproachZhengyi Zhou, Cornell University; David Matteson, Cornell University(Paper ID: 29) Discovery of Glaucoma Progressive Patterns Using Hierarchical MDL-Based ClusteringSHIGERU MAYA, The University of Tokyo; Kai Morino,; Hiroshi Murata,; Ryo Asaoka,; Kenji Yamanishi,(Paper ID: 45) Early Prediction of Cardiac Arrest (Code Blue) using Electronic Medical RecordsSriram Somanchi, Carnegie Mellon University; Samrachana Adhikari, Carnegie Mellon University; Allen Lin, Harvard University; Elena Eneva, Accenture; Rayid Ghani, University of Chicago(Paper ID: 82) Predictive Approaches for Low-cost Preventive Medicine Program in Developing CountriesYukino Baba, National Institute of Informatics; Hisashi Kashima, Kyoto University; Yasunobu Nohara,; Eiko Kai, Kyushu University; Partha Ghosh, Grameen Communications; Rafiqul Islam, Grameen Communications; Ashir Ahmed, Kyushu University; Masahiro Kuroda, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology; Sozo Inoue, Kyushu Institute of Technology; Tatsuo Hiramatsu, The University of Tokyo; Michio Kimura,; Shuji Shimizu, Kyushu University Hospital; Kunihisa Kobayashi, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital; Koji Tsuda, The University of Tokyo; Masashi Sugiyama, The University of Tokyo; Mathieu Blondel, NTT Communication Science Laboratories; Naonori Ueda, NTT Communication Science Laboratories; Masaru Kitsuregawa, National Institute of Informatics; Naoki Nakashima, Kyushu University Hospital(Paper ID: 76)Industry & Government Session IG09: E-CommerceWednesday 3:20 pm– 5:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 2 & 3Chair: Yanchang Zhao
Life-stage Prediction for Product Recommendation in E-commerce
Peng Jiang, Alibaba Group; Yadong Zhu, Alibaba group; Yi Zhang, University of California; Quan Yuan, Alibaba Group(Paper ID: 10) Focusing on the Long-term: It's Good for Users and BusinessDiane Tang, Google; Henning Hohnhold, Google; Deirdre O'Brien, Google(Paper ID: 72) Gender and Interest Targeting for Sponsored Post Advertising at TumblrMihajlo Grbovic, Yahoo Labs; Vladan Radosavljevic, Yahoo Labs; Nemanja Djuric, Yahoo Labs; Narayan Bhamidipati, Yahoo Labs(Paper ID: 160) One-Pass Ranking Models for Low-Latency Product RecommendationsAntonino Freno, Zalando SE; Martin Saveski,; Rodolphe Jenatton, Amazon; Cédric Archambeau, Amazon(Paper ID: 64)Industry & Government Session IG10: Anomaly DetectionWednesday 3:20 pm–5:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 4 & 5Chair: Ted Senator
Transfer Learning for Bilingual Content Classification
Qian Sun, Arizona State University; Mohammad Amin, LinkedIn Corporation; Baoshi Yan, LinkedIn Corporation; Craig Martell, LinkedIn Corporation; Vita Markman, LinkedIn Corporation; Anmol Bhasin, LinkedIn Corporation; Jieping Ye, University of Michigan(Paper ID: 47) Generic and Scalable Framework for Automated Time-series Anomaly DetectionNikolay Laptev, Yahoo Labs; Saeed Amizadeh, Yahoo Labs; Ian Flint, Yahoo Labs(Paper ID: 140) Learning a Hierarchical Monitoring System for Detecting and Diagnosing Service IssuesVinod Nair, Microsoft Research; Ameya Raul, Microsoft Research Inda; Shwetabh Khanduja, Microsoft Research; Vikas Bahirwani, Microsoft; S. Sundararajan, Microsoft Research; Keerthi Selvaraj, Microsoft; Steve Herbert, Microsoft; Sudheer Dhulipalla, Microsoft; Qihong Shao, Microsoft(Paper ID: 190) Analyzing Invariants in Cyber-Physical Systems using Latent Factor RegressionMarjan Momtazpour, Virginia Tech; Jinghe Zhang,; Saifur Rahman,; Ratnesh Sharma,; Naren Ramakrishnan,(Paper ID: 126)Industry & Government Session IG11: Social MediaThursday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 2 & 3Chair: Qi He
Discovering Collective Narratives of Theme Parks from Large Collections of Visitorsâ Photo Streams
Gunhee Kim, Seoul National University; Leonid Sigal, Disney Research(Paper ID: 27) User Conditional Hashtag Prediction for ImagesEmily Denton, New York University; Rob Fergus, Facebook AI Research; Jason Weston, Facebook AI Research; Manohar Paluri, Facebook AI Research; Lubomir Bourdev, Facebook AI Research(Paper ID: 55) Whither Social Networks for Web Search?Rakesh Agrawal, Data Insights Laboratories; Behzad Golshan, Boston University; Evangelos Papalexakis, Carnegie Mellon University(Paper ID: 30) Collective Spammer Detection in Evolving Multi-Relational Social NetworksShobeir Fakhraei, University of Maryland; James Foulds, University of California, Santa Cruz; Madhusudana Shashanka, if(we) Inc.; Lise Getoor, University of California, Santa Cruz(Paper ID: 129) Personalizing LinkedIn FeedQi He, LinkedIn; Deepak Agarwal, LinkedIn; Bee-Chung Chen, LinkedIn; Zhenhao Hua, LinkedIn; Guy Lebanon, LinkedIn; Yiming Ma, LinkedIn; Pannagadatta Shivaswamy, LinkedIn; Hsiao-Ping Tseng, LinkedIn; Jaewon Yang, LinkedIn; Liang Zhang, LinkedIn(Paper ID: 150)Industry & Government Session IG12: Marketing and AdvertisingThursday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 4 & 5Chair: Simeon Simoff
How to Build Your Fan Base? The Effectiveness of Promotional Events in Social Media
Panagiotis Adamopoulos, New York University; Vilma Todri, New York University(Paper ID: 109) Effective Audience Extension in Online AdvertisingJianqiang Shen, Turn Inc.; Sahin Geyik, Turn Inc.; Ali Dasdan, Turn Inc(Paper ID: 123) Smart Pacing for Effective Online Ad Campaign OptimizationJian Xu, Yahoo Inc; Kuang-chih Lee, Yahoo; Wentong Li, Yahoo Inc; Hang Qi, Yahoo Inc; Quan Lu, Yahoo Inc(Paper ID: 159) Measuring causal impact of online actions via natural experiments: application to display advertisingDaniel N. Hill,, Inc.; Robert Moakler, Integral Ad Science & NYU Stern; Alan E. Hubbard, University of California Berkeley; Vadim Tsemekhman, OpenDSP; Foster Provost, Integral Ad Science & NYU Stern; Kiril Tsemekhman, Integral Ad Science(Paper ID: 183) Visual Search at PinterestYushi Jing, Pinterest; David Liu, Pinterest; Dmitry Kislyuk, Pinterest; Andrew Zhai, Pinterest; Jiajing Xu, Pinterest; Jeff Donahue, Pinterest; Sarah Tavel,(Paper ID: 178)Industry & Government Session IG13: ApplicationsThursday 1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Level 4 – Room 4 & 5Chair: Dragos Margineantu
Gas Concentration Reconstruction for Coal-Fired Boilers Using Gaussian Process
Chao Yuan, Siemens(Paper ID: 163) Predicting Serves in Tennis using Style PriorsXinyu Wei, QUT; Patrick Lucey, Disney Research; Stuart Morgan, Australian Institute of Sport; Peter Carr, Disney Research(Paper ID: 110) Discerning Tactical Patterns for Professional Soccer Teams: An Enhanced Topic Model with ApplicationsQing Wang, Peking University; Hengshu Zhu, Big Data Lab, Baidu Research; Wei Hu, Big Data Lab, Baidu Research; Zhiyong Shen, Big Data Lab, Baidu Research; Yuan Yao, Peking University(Paper ID: 60) Probabilistic Graphical Models of DyslexiaYair Lakretz, Tel-Aviv university; Gal Chechik, Bar-Ilan University; Naama Friedmann, Tel-Aviv University; Michal Rosen-Zvi, IBM research department(Paper ID: 124) Predicting Future Scientific Discoveries Based on a Networked Analysis of the Past LiteratureMeenakshi Nagarajan, IBM; Angela Wilkins, Baylor College of Medicine; Benjamin Bachman, Baylor College of Medicine; Ilya Novikov, Baylor College Of Medicine; Sheng Hua Bao, IBM; Peter Haas, IBM; Maria Terron, Baylor College of Medicine; Sumit Bhatia, IBM; Anbu Adikesavan, Baylor College of Medicine; Jacques Labrie, IBM; Sam Regenbogen, Baylor College of Medicine; Christrie Buchovecky, Baylor College of Medicine; Curtis Pickering, 2The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Linda Kato, IBM; Andreas Lisewski, Baylor College of Medicine; Ana Lelescu, IBM; Houyin Zhang, Baylor College of Medicine; Stephen Boyer, IBM; Griff Weber, IBM; Ying Chen, IBM; Lawrence Donehower, Baylor College of Medicine; Scott Spangler, IBM; Olivier Lichtarge, Baylor College of Medicine(Paper ID: 137) Tornado Forecasting with Multiple Markov BoundariesKui Yu, Simon Fraser University; Dawei Wang, University of Massachusetts Boston; Wei Ding, University of Massachusetts Boston; David Small, Tufts University; Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University; Xindong Wu, University of Vermont; Shafiqul Islam, Tufts Universit(Paper ID: 142)